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Savings Account

Open savings account at Alpha Commercial Bank PLC. is your best choice of your short to long-term saving needs, it is safe, secure and readily available when you need it.

Features and Benefits

   Available in 2 currencies: Khmer Riel (KHR) and US Dollar (USD).
   Free monthly bank statement.
   Easy make payment to your business partner.
   Free transfer within AC bank account and other local banks.
   Interest rate of 0.2% pa.

Savings Account
Fixed Deposit

Fixed Deposit

Save your future by deposit your money with Fixed Deposit at AC Bank that offers you the competitive Interest. You can save and earn money at the same time. We offer a higher interest rate with flexible tenure which gives you a fixed rate of interest until maturity.

TenureInterest Rate (% p.a.)Customer
(KHR) Riels(USD) US Dollars
1 Month2.000.75Personal & Corporate
3 Months3.001.50
6 Months4.002.75
9 Months4.253.00
12 Months5.004.50
24 Months6.004.75
36 Months7.005.00

Home Loan

To purchase, enhance or upgrade your living accommodation, apply with us to make your dream house come true and enjoy a new living standard.

Features and Benefits

   Negotiable and competitive interest rate.
   Up to 70% of the property value.
   Up to 20 years of loan installment.
   Simple and fast approval.
   Available in US Dollar or Khmer Riel.

Home Loan
Products & Services

Available products and services

Products & Services

Our latest ongoing projects

AlphaBank 2022-10-02 09:42:49

SWIFT Wire Transfer

Outward/Inward money transfer to oversea world wide via SWIFT.

AlphaBank 2022-10-02 09:42:49

Alpha Bank Mobile

Alpha Bank Mobile is a user-friendly mobile banking app designed to meet your ne...

AlphaBank 2022-10-02 09:42:49

ATM/Cash-In Channel

Provides ease of cash management facility via our latest multi-function ATM/CDM.